We have been struggling with Matt for the last couple of weeks with some bad language that he has picked up.
We have tried soap (he says he prefers dish soap over bar soap), ear twisting, popping his mouth, time out, spankings.....and nothing seems to work.
We have seen some improvement...now he says "F-word A-word hole". Although better....still not acceptable.
We were given some advice from a friend to use vinegar.....it tastes bad and smells even worse.
We finally were able to put the advice to use last night and Matt HATED it!!! He asked for water (which we gave him) and then came over and sat by me on the couch. He quietly said to me "I am not going to say bad words anymore". Granted, we have heard that song before, but I have a feeling that we will only need to remind him of the vinegar and he will choose his words more wisely.
Lots of fingers crossed in our house......I think I just need to figure out how to make the vinegar portable!!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
He Likes It!!!!!
My in-laws are in town visiting for a few days on their way to Seattle. We are entering the Yost household birthday month (Davis on the 2nd, Pete on the 11th and Hannah on the 18th). So we had a small celebration last night at the house with a steak dinner and cake. Davis and Pete got their presents from his mom and stepdad (Hannah's will be mailed from Washington).
I think Davis loves his present....

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
For the Record
Yesterday Pete bought a pit bike for him to ride along with Davis to practice. It had been for sale for some time so the seller was willing to negotiate. When he got to the person's house, the bike wouldn't start. Pete knew it was most likely only flooded and was able to negotiate an even lower price.
He spent most of the evening working on this bike to get it started (which he eventually did). We won a new camera on Sunday and I wanted to try out the video capabilities (our other camera is very choppy).
This is what I got......I am so glad he set the record straight!!
He spent most of the evening working on this bike to get it started (which he eventually did). We won a new camera on Sunday and I wanted to try out the video capabilities (our other camera is very choppy).
This is what I got......I am so glad he set the record straight!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
We are lucky to have a great family that always seem to go the extra mile to make life easier for us. Pete's mom and stepdad invited Hannah to stay with them for 2 weeks in Florida along with her cousin. My sister and brother-in-law offered to take Davis a couple days with them at their house about an hour away. We have Matt at home with us and are really enjoying spending some one on one time with him.
Everyone has been enjoying this special time until last night. The first call came in about 9:30 from Davis. He was crying saying he wanted to come home. I could tell he was just tired, but it is always heartbreaking to hear him cry (I guess not heartbreaking enough to make the hour drive there to get him). I told him he would be okay and that we could come get him tomorrow. I handed the phone to Matt (who was sitting on my lap) to see if that would cheer him up. With a huge smile on his face, Matt quickly grabbed the phone. In an instant, the grin shifted to a frown when he heard Davis crying and then he started crying (oops). Being the steller mom that I am....I laughed my tail off!!!! I guess he went to sleep and all turned out well.
The second call came about 10:45....this time it was Hannah. She was sleeping at one of her cousin's friend's house and her stomach hurt. I talked to her for a little bit and I thought she was better. The next call came at about 11:15.....this time she talked to Daddy. Next call....almost midnight. Hannah asked me if maybe she was "homesick" and that is why her stomach hurt. I told her that she would just need to figure out how to go to sleep because there is no way for me to come and get her (she is about 6 hours away). There were no calls after that one!!
**Update - found out she talked her Grandpa into coming and picking her up after midnight**
I miss my kids, but I am so glad we have such great family members that provide our children with wonderful experiences!!!
Everyone has been enjoying this special time until last night. The first call came in about 9:30 from Davis. He was crying saying he wanted to come home. I could tell he was just tired, but it is always heartbreaking to hear him cry (I guess not heartbreaking enough to make the hour drive there to get him). I told him he would be okay and that we could come get him tomorrow. I handed the phone to Matt (who was sitting on my lap) to see if that would cheer him up. With a huge smile on his face, Matt quickly grabbed the phone. In an instant, the grin shifted to a frown when he heard Davis crying and then he started crying (oops). Being the steller mom that I am....I laughed my tail off!!!! I guess he went to sleep and all turned out well.
The second call came about 10:45....this time it was Hannah. She was sleeping at one of her cousin's friend's house and her stomach hurt. I talked to her for a little bit and I thought she was better. The next call came at about 11:15.....this time she talked to Daddy. Next call....almost midnight. Hannah asked me if maybe she was "homesick" and that is why her stomach hurt. I told her that she would just need to figure out how to go to sleep because there is no way for me to come and get her (she is about 6 hours away). There were no calls after that one!!
**Update - found out she talked her Grandpa into coming and picking her up after midnight**
I miss my kids, but I am so glad we have such great family members that provide our children with wonderful experiences!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
17 Years

17 years ago right about now we were enjoying our first couple of hours as husband and wife!!
I remember our first married dance like it was yesterday....it was as though we were the only two people in the world!!!
I guess we now completely understand "in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health".
I wouldn't give up a single minute of being Mrs. Yost!!!!
Pete - you balance me and for that I will love you forever!!!
Happy Anniversary Bert
Buice (pronounced "bwece" for us)
Father's Day
I couldn't let this day pass without wishing two of the best fathers in my life, my dad and my husband, a very HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!

Pete - our kids are so lucky to have you!!! Being a stay at home dad is not an easy job....but you make it happen day in and day out!! What a gift you give to each of your children.....can you imagine how confident Hannah will be and what kind of dads our sons will be?

Pop, Big Guy, Dad - you have always been and will forever be my HERO!! You are the kind of dad that many people can only dream of!! Thanks for teaching me how to really "listen" to a engine (it has really helped with Davis' dirtbikes) and for making me believe that I could do anything. You rock!!!!!!!!!!! I am forever your rattleass!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Hannah is now a brace face (her words, not mine).
This is pre-braces (you can see we have a ways to go)

She is only getting the top ones for now, but these are the ones that need the most movement. She did awesome while they put them on. Her cheek got stuck on a wire when we got home and she had somewhat of a meltdown. We finally got it loose and covered the wire with wax. She is pretty sore now and I think it will be worse tomorrow.
Here she is....Miss Brace Face!!!

She also had her dance recital rehearsal tonight. She did really well and I am really looking forward to her recital on Wednesday!!

This has been a long day but one I will remember forever....my little girl is not so little anymore!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Summer Fun
We have been busy enjoying the summer!!!

Dave raced last night and did GREAT!!! It was hot as hell though until the sun went down!!! He raced in two classes again and did awesome in his normal oil inject class (got 1st in both motos). The 50cc 4-6 was very different for his first moto....he looked very uncomfortable and got 4th place (last). It is only his second race on his bigger bike and he really rode like he should have with his experience, but I think Pete and I were disappointed. Then he went out for his 2nd moto....wow someone lit a fire under his butt and he smoked the kids and got 1st - which gave him a 2nd overall. He looked like he had been riding forever!!!
Tomorrow is a big day for our Hannah....she is getting braces!!! She is really pumped about it and has already picked out the colors of the rubber bands that hold the wire on for the duration of her time in braces....very different from what I went through. God help us if she has to wear headgear.....my mom can tell you how difficult it was to get me to wear it!!!!
Tomorrow is also her recital rehearsal for her Hip Hop Dance......I think she is really nervous about it!!! The recital is Wednesday and her grandparents are coming back from vacation early just to attend!!! I am excited to see her dance!!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
End of the School Year
Friday was the last day of 5th grade for Hannah and Kindergarten for Davis. Wow did it go fast!!! They both had great teachers that we are really going to miss. Both the kids received attendance awards and Hannah made the A-B honor roll. Our sweet Davis won the Citizenship award for his class (each class chooses one boy and one girl for the award)....we are so proud of him. I can't believe we will have a 6th grader now....boy do I feel old. Davis is proudly exclaiming that he is now a 1st grader!!! They have been on me for days to start getting school supplies for next year.....what is wrong with these kids!!! Matt will be starting Pre-K every day in the fall as well, then to Kindergarten the next year (can someone please stop time....they are growing up too fast).
We had a very busy Saturday, Hannah had two girls spend the night Friday night. We then attended a graduation party for one neighbor, then across the street for a birthday party for another neighbor and then off to racing. Davis rode in two classes on Saturday night....one on his "smaller" bike and then a new class for him on his "bigger" bike. He was pretty nervous about riding his big bike since he can't touch the ground as well as his other bike. He did awesome and got 2nd out of 3 and pretty much dominated his regular class (winning 1st of course).
In my excitement over Dave's awesome ride over Memorial weekend, I forgot to mention that I too accomplished something BIG........I actually started Dave's bike after he fell.....under pressure......but I did it!!! I think Davis was a bit confused by my jumping up and down after I started it!! I even had to restart a couple of little PW's when those kids fell. I am a true MX Mom now!!!
I took Friday off to spend time with the kids on their last day of school, so Davis was a bit confused when I got ready to leave for work on Monday. I walked into the kitchen and he saw that I was dressed for work....he said in a very sad voice "you have to go to work?". I said "yeah buddy". He said "but it is summer break, I want you to stay home". That broke my heart, but also made me feel good that he actually wanted me home with him. I so wish I still had summer break.
I will leave you with a picture Pete took on his phone of the boys yesterday who were just "resting".
We had a very busy Saturday, Hannah had two girls spend the night Friday night. We then attended a graduation party for one neighbor, then across the street for a birthday party for another neighbor and then off to racing. Davis rode in two classes on Saturday night....one on his "smaller" bike and then a new class for him on his "bigger" bike. He was pretty nervous about riding his big bike since he can't touch the ground as well as his other bike. He did awesome and got 2nd out of 3 and pretty much dominated his regular class (winning 1st of course).
In my excitement over Dave's awesome ride over Memorial weekend, I forgot to mention that I too accomplished something BIG........I actually started Dave's bike after he fell.....under pressure......but I did it!!! I think Davis was a bit confused by my jumping up and down after I started it!! I even had to restart a couple of little PW's when those kids fell. I am a true MX Mom now!!!
I took Friday off to spend time with the kids on their last day of school, so Davis was a bit confused when I got ready to leave for work on Monday. I walked into the kitchen and he saw that I was dressed for work....he said in a very sad voice "you have to go to work?". I said "yeah buddy". He said "but it is summer break, I want you to stay home". That broke my heart, but also made me feel good that he actually wanted me home with him. I so wish I still had summer break.
I will leave you with a picture Pete took on his phone of the boys yesterday who were just "resting".
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