While searching for documents that Pete needed for his sheriff deputy application, I came across a couple of things that really brought back some memories.
This one is for my brother......do you remember this Woody?

Boy, did he love his Camero!!! Don't you love the Piece of F10 in the background (this was my car and that is the color I CHOOSE for my dad to paint it).
This is Pete and I in 1988 at my Senior Prom.

Wow - could I get my hair any higher? I can't believe my sister was ever jealous of MY hair!!!
This is my cousin David.....he is so cute!!

Can't believe he is now the father of 3!!! I remember changing his diaper!!
The following is a page from a People magazine that my dad got from somewhere. It still makes me smile!!!

1 comment:
You had the best 80s hair, and darn it--I could never master it. So yes, I was jealous. I'm okay with that. Love the camero! Look at the cars in that pic--an F10, the limo, and a camero. I'm surprised I would even come home! ha ha
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