
Thursday, February 26, 2009


I was very excited to hear today that one of my favorite cousins is having a baby, her first. Sue is my age...actually she is older, but we have always been close. When I would visit her in South Dakota, we used to have the BEST time!! I am SO happy for her!!!

As I was reminiscing to Pete about some childhood memories involving Sue, I happen to mention a particular memory about a red, white and blue dress that my cousins made me wear in a "beauty pageant" at a family event. YES...I really am scarred because of that FLAG dress....years of therapy believe me!!!

Anyway, I also mentioned to Pete that my younger cousin got all the attention (in my mind) because she was little and cute (she is several years younger and now as an adult I know the younger the child the cuter they are).

Pete says..."One thing I hate about women is that they can never admit when another woman is pretty".

That is SO not long as your man never dated her. I know all of Pete's "former's" were fat, ugly and trashy....and most likely still are!!!


sAm said...

oh...I think Pete's way off. I'm so busy admiring other women (and I'm straight, BTW) that in comparision to them I am repugnant. I can recognize other's beauty, but have difficulty with my own!

Susan Yager said...

Chris and I are THRILLED about becoming new parents. It was certainly a surprise but one I can't imagine not ever experiencing. I thought I had it all planned out but God certainly has a terrific sense of humor!

Men don't seem to get it when it comes to women. Here is the best way I ever heard it put. Enjoy:

"Olivia's theory was that you could divide women into two types: those who were on the Girls' Team, and Undercover Bitches. If a woman was on the Girls' Team, she could be as beautiful, intelligent, rich, famous, sexy, successful and as popular as fuck, and you'd still like her. Women on the Girls Team had solidarity. They were conspiratorial and brought all their fuck-ups to the table for everyone to enjoy. Undercover Bitches were competitive: they showed off, tried to put others down to make themselves look good, lacked humour and a sense of their own ridiculousness, said things which sounded okay on the surface but were actually designed to make you feel really bad, couldn't bear it when they weren't getting enough attention, and they flicked their hair. Men didn't get all this. They thought women took against each other because they were jealous. Quite tragic, really."