Hannah turned 13 while we were in South Dakota for our reunion (which is why her birthday post is coming so late).
Here she is when we woke her up on her birthday.

Hannah has acted like a teenager for years now, but now it is finally official.
Hannah made us parents and continues to make us earn our parenting badges!!
She is such a joy to be around (most of the time), she is fun and mostly interested in her social status. She takes pictures of herself with her phone in the same pose over and over again and then uploads them to Facebook. She texts like crazy and that phone is attached to her hand at all times. We don't usually make her happy and we really don't know anything.
I can't believe how quickly the time has gone...I remember the day she was born like it happened this morning. This little firecracker (she was only 5lbs 13oz) made us a family and we couldn't be happier to call her ours.
Happy Birthday Boo Bear....you hold such a special place in our hearts and while I know it is tough right now, know that we are ALWAYS there for you!! Love ya Girl!!!!
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