I wanted to send a very special thank you to all of those who have served our country. I am the granddaughter to 2 WWII vets (Grandpa Havens and Granddad)....the niece to 3 vets (Tom, Frank and Pup)....the cousin to 4 veterans (David, Rob, Shawn and Mariah), the daughter-in-law to a Vietnam vet and am most proud to say that I am a Navy wife veteran.
Our elementary school puts on a fabulous Veteran's Day program that Pete looks forward to every year. I was lucky enough to join him this year. Each veteran is "adopted" by a class and the kids make them wonderful presents of cards and letters. It is so wonderful to see what the kids write...they are amazingly gracious in the service of the veterans. The veterans than have the option to visit with the class after the program....which is really Pete's favorite part!! The kids are always asking about what kind of guns they used (Call of Duty video games help that interest).
Here are a couple of pictures from the day.
This table was set for one as a remembrance for the POW/MIA. There is salt to represent the tears shed, red rose for the blood shed, a slice of lemon to remind us of their bitter fate.
My father-in-law receiving his flower for his service in the Army
Pete receiving his flower for his service in the Navy.
There is a wall of honor in the hallway.
Davis' classroom after the program with 4 veterans.
Thank you so much Arnold Mill Elementary for giving such a wonderful tribute to these wonderful men and women.....I know one Persian Gulf war vet that is truly honored to be there!!!