
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

And so it begins

So the last day of school was Friday and we are two days into Summer vacation and so far everything is going well!!

If there is one thing I miss from my time off during my layoff, it would be spending the summer with the kids.  Going to the pool...sleeping in!!

We are fortunate enough to have Hannah at an age where she can watch the boys while we are at work.  However, she is still a teenager that wants to do stuff without us.  We try hard to make arrangements for her while we are not at work...but I am sure she doesn't think so.  Hopefully she will look back at the summers with her brothers with fond memories!! 

I decided today that I am going to try to make more time to do things for me.  Blogging is something I enjoy and I want to make the time to do it more often.  Hopefully I can keep that promise to myself!! 

Happy Summer!!!!

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