Davis had failed his eye exam at school.
What?? I am pretty sure I yelled "bullshit", but kept the cursing to that since my in-laws were here (the kids were all in bed).
The next morning as we were getting ready for school, I asked Davis if he is having a hard time seeing. We had not noticed anything and I was really surprised that his eyesight would go bad and we would not notice (especially with him playing baseball and racing motocross). My family's vision is not great and I wouldn't be surprised if one if not all of my kids eventually need glasses.
Dave's response - "Mommy, those words were really hard and I didn't know what they were".

Hannah's sisterly response - "They're not words, Davis...just letters".
We asked for him to be retested and guess what...

The nurse apologized and thanked us for bringing it to her attention. I guess they have PTA volunteers that test the kids and the one testing Davis didn't think that he would try to "read" the board assuming they are words. He is only in 1st grade.....
At least we saved a trip to the doctor!!!!
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