We made it to our reunion last weekend and we both agreed that we would have rather been at the race track (we made lots of phone calls though). We did look pretty good though :)!!! We did enjoy seeing Jeff and his wife and Richard.....we really do need to do a better job of keeping in touch!!!
We were back at the track this past weekend and wow did it feel good!!! I am sore as hell because I am so graceful and fell down when I was trying to cross the track to cheer Matt on - I swear the earth moved below me!! I couldn't even blame it on alcohol!!!
My dear, sweet husband's comment when told that I fell...
"You know how golfer's have a handicap? Well, there is mine!!"
Karma is a bitch my friend....Pete fell in a mud puddle later in the evening!!!
(No, I did not push him - he graduated from the same "school of grace" that I did)
Hannah and I met a little guy yesterday by the name of "Hunter"....he seems "pawfect" for our family and Daddy didn't say "No". I sure am hoping things work out.....
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