We went camping over the weekend (which I will write a post later about) and celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus with my whole family.
It was easy to forget all the "crap" I have to deal with at home.
So, yesterday when it was time to pack up, I started feeling very mad and sad because I knew it would come rushing in once I walked through the door.
And I was right.....
But today I have renewed HOPE. I continue to be amazed at how our family and friends are supporting us through our rough patch. I am honestly humbled by it all!!
I was very tired yesterday and not feeling great (damn pollen is kicking my butt) and I started to get discouraged.
I made the decision to pick myself up...dust off...and keep moving. The right thing WILL come along, I WILL figure out the health care stuff for my kids and we WILL be okay!!!!
I had a video phone call (pretty cool actually) today with a recruiter in California for a position here that sounds very promising and I meet with another recruiter tomorrow. One of my recruiters I have worked with for years called today with a possible job. So things are happening.
Pete went for his sheriff's deputy testing and passed with flying colors (he got a 93.5% on the written part...go Pete). There is still a hiring freeze, but hopefully it will be lifted soon and they can hire some people. He will find out this week when he will be going for all the psychological testing (which he could fail LOL) and for an interview.
I have been slack in updating my blog, so I plan this week to get caught up....I have kindergarten registration, continuation of my baking spree, a trailer vent experience, and a wonderful hail storm to share with y'all...and of course some Easter egg adventures!!!
Here is one of my favorite pictures from over the weekend....this is Davis holding my niece (I know she isn't looking but I love the look on Dave's face).

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