Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Super Glued
Monday, December 29, 2008
Bright Spot in My Day
Sometimes Reality Sucks
Saturday, December 27, 2008
As for the truck.....we are hopeful that it is something we can get fixed without too much dinero. Our friend, Alan, is going to come over tomorrow to take a look (he was a mechanic before becoming a cop) and he will also help Pete get it over to my dad's house for him to take a look (thank you Woody for letting us borrow the trailer). We are grateful to have people in our lives that are willing to help us out!! We are also grateful for credit.....we didn't win the lottery last night!!!
On Monday I will be heading to the unemployment office to start the process to at least have some money coming in (I tried to go on Friday and they were closed on Thursday and Friday for Christmas and Washington's least that is what the sign said).
We are hoping to hear on Pete's job soon. We were told it is a 4-5 week process. All this "togetherness" is a bit taxing on us all!!
Tomorrow I am going to take the Christmas stuff done (except the tree which I will leave until the Epiphany). Pete will be working on the truck and then will be going to help Alan with some painting (Pete loves to paint...Alan hates it). The washer and dryer will be delivered on Monday...yeah we can do some laundry. I am sure the joy will fade quickly!!
The challenge this week will keeping the kids entertained as they will still be out of school. Maybe I will come up with some crafts!!
I am sort of done with 2008....I sure hope 2009 brings some better days!
Friday, December 26, 2008
These are the things we have had to spend unexpected money on in the last week:
- New refrigerator (freezer stopped working)
- New washer and dryer (washer went out on Tuesday and I had to take all of our laundry to the laundromat)
Tonight when we went to go buy a new washer and dryer in the truck (so we could save the delivery charge) something went terribly wrong....there is water mixed with oil (never a good thing). The engine is only 3 years old as we had to replace it when the head gasket broke. It had a 3 year warranty that ended on the 23rd of December!!! Maybe we won't need a new engine, but seriously do we need all this hassle?
We did buy a lottery ticket least there is a little bit of HOPE!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
We enjoyed a wonderful evening at my parent's last night where my sister gave me the best gift ever....I got to handle two of Lilah's wardrobe changes!!! Anyone that knows me knows how much I LOVE babies and it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with our newest addition. We had a great time with each other and everyone was VERY pleased with how generous my parents were again this year!!!
This morning started a little early for my taste (we told the kids they couldn't come downstairs until after 7).....7:02 they were in our room telling us it was after 7! Santa managed to put the squeeze to the wallet and delivered some wonderful presents to everyone!!!
Christmas dinner was at our house this year with Pete's mom and step-dad (here from Florida), Pete's dad, and my parents sharing in a casual dinner. We enjoyed playing "Oh Hell" and a game that I am sure I will catch "hell" for in the days (and years) to come called "Swap" (Not sure I have seen Pete laugh that hard in years....and that was during the instructions).
Tomorrow will bring a visit to the unemployment office and possibly a shopping trip for a new washer (ours went out on Tuesday - it is only 17 years old!!!).
I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!! Please take the time to remember the good in your lives!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Painting Casualty
Oh to be 4!!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Letter 2008
This year I have decided to post our annual Christmas letter on the blog instead of printing it out and mailing it with the cards. I can then save some trees and shamelessly plug our blog!!
Here is a slide show of our year...I hope you enjoy!!!
Pete and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in June and we also went to my 20 year class we are old!! Pete also turned the big 4-0 this year....Old Man!
Pete stayed home again this year with the kids, but has grown a bit bored since all kids are in school this year. He has decided to head back to the "office" and has started a job search. He is trying to get on with the Sheriff's department and has passed the written and physical testing and is now in the background check process (one that we are told will take 4-5 weeks). He shouldn't have any problem with that and then he will start the interviewing process. I think this is a perfect match for Pete and it will be a great "career" for him. Any prayers will be greatly appreciated.
This has been a year of ups and downs for me (what's new?). I think it is easier to start with the down.....unfortunately I am a victim of the current recession and I lost my job as an asset manager on November 5th. I did get a severance, which I am grateful for, but will be on unemployment starting January 1st. Hopefully the market will improve after the start of the year!! Anyone need a very talented CPA?
The good news this year is that I received a "cancer-FREE" scan in July!!! My thyroid is still missing (confirmed by an ultrasound - the medical world at its finest). I feel awesome and am grateful for my B-12 shots that I learned to give myself this year!!
Hannah is growing up way too fast. She turned 11 in July and she acts like she is already a teenager!! She made it to the 6th grade (which is still elementary in our county) and is doing really well. She is in the chorus and is the "birthday announcer" on the school's news team. She made the honor roll for the first grading period and is also a member of the Beta Club. Outside of school she is doing gymnastics. In June, she had her recital for Hip Hop....she did a great job!! June also marked a new beginning for our girl....she is now a brace-face!! she has handled it so well! Hannah is such a great big sister and is really a pleasure to be around....most of the time!!
Davis graduated from Kindergarten in June and is a big 1st grader now. He has really loved school and is doing well!! He played baseball this fall and seemed to enjoy it....he was on the young side again!! His big passion (or maybe Daddy's passion) is motocross. He raced in the Moto Madness series (which he made 30 out of 32 races) and took 1st place on his pro senior bike (50cc) and 2nd on his oil inject bike. We have sold the oil inject bike and purchased a 65cc bike that he will hopefully race in about a year (if Mommy has anything to say about it)....he has to shift with this bike, so it is a little harder to ride. Racing starts up again around March...hopefully the job situation allows us to start back then!!! We have made some great friends at the track and it has been a wonderful family event. Davis has continued to be our calm, go-with-the-flow kid.
Matt is 4 and will only wear 4T (he checks everything to make sure it says 4T). He started pre-k this year and has the same teachers that Davis had. He still cries when we leave but I know it is only for a short time. In May, he fell in the trailer and busted his lip and ended up having to have his front two teeth pulled. He looks kind of cute without his teeth, but I will be glad when they finally grow in. Matty played baseball this year for the first time...he loved to bat but wasn't too hip on the field play!! He is also a motocross racer....he raced about 6 races this season on a little PW50. Pete has already moved him up to a bigger bike that he will be racing when the season starts up. Matt is such a character and continues to keep us on our toes. He knows exactly what he wants and won't budge until he gets it!!
We have added a four-legged member to our family this year....Hunter. We adopted a little over a year old German Shepherd mix (or "mix-up" according to Matt) in October. I am totally in love with this dog!!! He is so great and has been a wonderful addition to our family. Pete claims I love him more than anyone else in the family.....not true, but he is a good cuddler and he doesn't pee on the floor!!!! If we could just keep him away from the Webkins and the baseballs he would be perfect!
My extended family grew right before Thanksgiving with the addition of Lilah Anne Seabolt. After 4 grandsons, a granddaughter is quite a treat for my parents!! I just love this baby girl so much and would take her if my sister didn't have such a tight grip on her!!!!
We have done some home improvements this year. In February, we had hardwoods put in our dining room and the rest of the hardwoods sanded and resealed. Next was new carpet in the family room. We are now in the process of stripping the wallpaper in the kitchen and we will be painting over the weekend. Another huge improvement to our house was a new roof...courtesy of a tornado that came through our area in May.
I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas. Although the year hasn't ended exactly like we had hoped, we are grateful for all the wonderful things we have experienced this year and look forward to a new year. Our hope for you is that your 2009 is filled with much love and happiness!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Through the ears of a 4 year old
Today the boys and I went to get Hannah from school (she had chorus) and I put this song on.
About halfway through the second time we listened to it, Matt says "I think I might cry"
"This is a nice song Mom"
I couldn't agree more Matty!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Great Day
The day started with a visit from Santa....the Mountain Park Volunteer Fire Department was nice enough to escort him around to deliver an early present - it is really hard to wait for the big day!!!
We then headed to the bowling alley for the 2008 Moto Madness awards banquet for Davis. Davis earned 1st place in the 50cc ages 4-6 and 2nd place in the oil inject class. His trophies are HUGE and he also got lots of goodies (including a new set of gear - or "outfit" as Mommy would say). We also got to spend some time with our motocross family outside of the track....everyone cleans up pretty well!!!

There was a raffle for a pit bike that was very exciting. They drew 10 numbers and Davis was one of those. Then they put each ticket back in and you were out when they called your number. Davis' number was the 9th number close!!!!
The day was rounded out with Lil' Pop (Pete's dad) agreeing to babysit the kids while Pete and I went to a Christmas party.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hannah's requirements
On the way there, Pete was teasing Davis about getting married (no idea where it started). Hannah stated that she was going to marry the man that "was just right for her...because I don't want to get a divorce".
"And I want to make sure he doesn't have a record!"
In November, she asked if she was going to go to "Juvey" for writing her political view in sidewalk chalk on the street.
I wonder if she is watching too much TV??????
Hopefully her dad will be in the Sheriff's department when she starts dating so he can do a background check on prospective husbands!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lucky Charms

Amen Matty.....but I don't know if your Grammy would agree with all the sugar!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
All Grown Up


Wow - could I get my hair any higher? I can't believe my sister was ever jealous of MY hair!!!
This is my cousin David.....he is so cute!!

Can't believe he is now the father of 3!!! I remember changing his diaper!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Another Step

Pete made it to the next step in becoming a sheriff deputy....he has been invited to do the obstacle course and orientation (which will include a tour of the jail) on Friday.
We have spent the day getting all the documents ready....including an hour at the Social Security office because he can't find his card (he hasn't worked in over 5 years).
I am so excited for him!!! This is a big change for us, but it will be worth it!!!
Any prayers for him on Friday would be greatly appreciated!! He is 40....hope he doesn't pass out!!!