
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hoping for Better

Overall I am a pretty positive person...
A half-full kind of person.
But right now I am in a terrible funk.
I am just hoping for better....whatever form it comes in!!


lseabolt said...

Sorry Sally! I wish I could a bring a smile to that face. Don't lose that positive attitude. There's only room for one grump in this family, and that's Woody. HA!

Bev said...

Hang in there, Sally, a good job is waiting out there for you. I feel so bad for you, wish there was something I could do. I'd hire you if I had a company!
Our good thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

It will all work out! These people don't know what they're missing out on. I know how you feel though so here is an internet hug! *hug*