We have been pleasantly surprised by two companies this week.
The check engine light has been on in the truck since we (said very loosely since I had nothing to do with the installation - thanks Pop) changed the engine in December. The problem was "
insufficient air through the
EGR valve". However, the truck has been running okay, so there was no big concern. On Memorial Day, while pulling the camping trailer, the truck was not running well at all. My dad offered to take a look at it and see what was wrong. I believe he cleaned something and looked at a couple of things. It ran much better and the check engine light was staying off...but came back on after we picked it up. My dad bought the electrical part of the
EGR valve and the light went off. ...until the drive home. We decided to look into buying the actual valve and went to one store and they didn't have it in stock. So, we drove
to O'Riley's Auto Parts. When he inquired about the part, the guy asked if the check engine light was on. Pete said yes and the guy said "I worked for Ford for 6 years and I know exactly what your problem is, the plenum (Pete's new favorite word) is clogged. Just remove it, clean it out and I am sure it will fix your problem". He even drew out a diagram for him so he would know what to look for. Pete cleaned his plenum (that seriously makes me laugh out loud) and sure enough the light went off and the truck is running GREAT!!! Thank you
O'Riley's part guy....way to do the right thing!!!
**I also wanted to note how proud I am of Pete for taking the risk to try this on his own, he was concerned that he might mess it up and he was going to see if my dad could help him. He went ahead and did it all on his own!! Pop - you may have created a mechanic monster**The second company is a juice company. This week Davis broke out in a rash from an unknown source. We have no idea exactly what it was from. We analyzed everything he had eaten and our guts were that some kind of dye or something may have caused it. He had
Cap'n Crunch Berries, Gobstoppers and this new juice from
Juicy Juice. When I looked at the ingredients for the juice, there was a statement that it included "less than 2% of natural flavors". I sent a message on-line to Juicy Juice to find out exactly what was in the "natural flavors". Yesterday, they CALLED me!!! How awesome is that. I don't think that the juice caused the problem, but they were so concerned and took down all of our information. They are also sending me coupons to replace the juice in question as well as other Nestle products. What a nice change to have a company actually concerned about their consumers.