I was not blessed with the best eyesight....it is a family trait. However, I am so thankful for what I can see!!
11 years ago today I had my second surgery ever (the 1st being 12 weeks prior for the birth of Hannah via c-section) for a detached retina.
I had gone to the eye doctor on Monday the 13
th after a terrible weekend in which my boss (and friend) had delivered her stillborn daughter and I wasn't getting much work done and I thought my vision had changed due to pregnancy. I had discovered over the weekend that I had a blind spot in my left eye (I could only explain that it was like someone had their finger in the corner of my eye).
As I was being assessed by the nurse, I asked what the possible causes of this could be. She said it could be anything from a hernia to a detached retina.
After a long wait (there had been another emergency in the office), the doctor took a look in my eye and turned to his nurse and said "Get Dr. Frank on the phone now". I asked if it was bad....he said "it can be, you will have surgery either tonight or in the morning".
What?? Holy Cow, what do I do now? Pete was working an hour away and I needed to pick up Hannah from the sitter. I called my mom (in the lobby no less) and asked if she could pick Hannah up because I needed to have surgery possibly tonight. She asked if I could drive and I said yes. She told me to wait there, she would make some calls and come pick me up. My brother went to pick up Hannah and my parents came to get me.
When we got down to Piedmont, the office was already closed but there was a sign on the door frame that said "Mrs.
Yost, follow the hallway to the end for Dr. Frank". I was so scared!!!!
The Doctor determined that the tear had already progressed far enough that we could do surgery in the morning versus having the "B" team that night (his words not mine).
I went to my mom's house after and I remember making the hardest call in my life....I called Michelle and cried over the loss of her precious daughter. I had to tell her that I would be at the service in spirit only since I was having surgery the next day.
My surgery was in the afternoon if I remember correctly. I was blindfolded after the surgery (which I was told about) and had to lay flat on my right side.
My memories from that first 24 hours:
- Asking what time it was to anybody that came in the room.
- Lisa putting flowers in my face for me to "smell".
- Lisa checking to see if I had pants on under the sheet.
- Getting a shot in the butt after complaining of a headache.
- Getting scolded by the nurses because I had my head up so Pete could tell me how to get to the bathroom (how many steps and what furniture was there)
- Anxiously awaiting the 6am doctor visit so I could get a peephole eye patch.
- Being embarrassed to have to leave the hospital with the left eye patched, right eye with a peephole patch with my glasses over it because I can't see without them.
My detached retina was caused from a tear in my retina due to be near-sighted. The doctor fixed the tear with a laser, attached a silicone buckle around my eye (I always say I have silicone in the wrong place) and then an air bubble is inserted in the eye. The buckle and bubble work together to push the retina together so it will reattach on its own.
I had to be on my left side for 20 out of 24 hours a day for the 1st week (that includes eating, showering, etc.). I am so lucky to have such a great family that kicked in and helped us....Hannah was only 12 weeks old.
I worried that I would not see my daughter get married or be able to work (I am an accountant and I don't think the market is good for a blind accountant)....I know these were crazy thoughts, after all we have TWO eyes.
I am happy to report that I still have silicone in the wrong place, but my vision in the left eye is fully correctable with contacts/glasses. I did what I was supposed to do for my healing (my dad had threatened to kick my ass if I didn't), I was able to make my daughter's 1st Halloween costume, and I am more grateful today for what I can see!!!!