
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hula Hoops are not for Matt

We have spent a lot of time in the last couple of days playing on the Wii....mostly Wii Fit. Pete is so proud of his ski jump that "no one can touch" as well as his 38 second tightrope walk.

Matt loves the hula hoop exercise. He is so funny when he does it. I just don't think Hula Hoops are for boys!!!

Below is a video I took of him...sorry about the lack of light!! Yes, he is wearing his dirt bike pants.

I can't believe we only have one more day with the kids before they go back to school. This week has gone by very quickly. I am hoping for some job action this week!! I surprisingly got 3 calls from recruiters on Monday for jobs they were submitting me for. There is one that REALLY interests me, but who knows if they will choose to interview me. Seriously, who wouldn't love me after they met me?!!

Pete took his test for the Sheriff's department on Tuesday and should find out on Tuesday or Wednesday whether he passed or not. I sure hope he does because I think he is really ready to get back to work!! He has been much more bearable since he took his test!!!

Thanksgiving was wonderful...very low key. Lisa and Jason did make it and brought little Miss Lilah. It is so great to have a baby around. I know Lisa got really tired and sore, but she was a trooper!!! How could we not feel thankful when our family was blessed with a healthy little girl!!!

No shopping for us this weekend. I have been peeling wallpaper and picking out a new paint color for the kitchen. Pete took the boys riding yesterday and Hannah was at my brother's. I had a wonderful afternoon to myself. I was able to beat the final level of George of the Jungle and beat Pete's score on the soccer thing and the bubble thing (of course he said he doesn't even like those games...whatever).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


By God's Grace

I am completely wrapped around this HEALTHY baby girl's fingers (all ten perfect fingers)

I will let Lilah's parents give you all the details when they can update their blog.

She really is PERFECT and I don't think I could convey my gratitude to God for such a wonderful gift.

Monday, November 24, 2008

To Baby Girl

Sweet Baby Girl,

On the eve of your birth I wanted to let you know how much I love you!!

Some people may wonder why you mean so much to me....I am just your aunt.

I am just so happy for your mom (my sister) and dad....they will be the best parents of a little girl.

Your mom will be the one that will clothe you in the cutest clothes....fix your Barbie's with you. Your Aunt Sally will be the one that will do crafts with you and teach you to sew. I will cuddle with you as much as you let me.

I want to be as good of an aunt as your mommy is to my kids. I can't wait for you to get to spend time with Hannah (she will be 22 when you are 11 - that makes her so excited).

I can't wait to meet you Baby Girl and I can't wait to come up with a nickname.

Until we meet....

Aunt Sally

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Still Missed

One year without our Avery Face. Not a day goes by without a memory popping in my mind about my sweet girl.
Hunter has helped to fill the void. Poor guy gets called "Avery" all the time!! I am sure they would have really liked each other.
Avery - I miss you and love you!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A little more upbeat

After my last depressing post, I thought I needed to lighten things up a bit!!

We have had a couple of fun days with Thanksgiving "feasts" with all the kids.

On Thursday, Davis had a Thanksgiving program where he was a "bang bang guy" (a Pilgrim man) and then he had a "feast" in the classroom. My mom and I went and ate with Hannah for the school turkey lunch (yummy!!).
Yesterday, we had a lunch at Matt's class. That food really was yummy!!! The teachers made everything and then you could bring something to share. I made mini pumpkin muffins from a box from Trader Joe's (love my two buck chuck) and they were so good!! Matt ate so many of them. My mom liked them as well, so I will be bringing them to Thanksgiving dinner.

Pete could really use some prayers right now as he is making a lifestyle change. We have decided it is now time for him to go back to work. Now the hard part....finding out what he wants to do when he grows up. We may have found something that he is really interested in. A county sheriff deputy that works in the jail. He has applied for a neighboring county as well as our county that have said they have openings. He goes on Tuesday to take a test for one. This would be a "real" job that has insurance and other benefits. He is really struggling with making this change. He isn't afraid to work, I think he is just nervous. If you could spare some prayers for the rest of as well, we could use some patience to deal with the side effect of his nerves!!!

Not much on the job front for me, but I am still trucking along. Just waiting for my niece to make her grand entrance (I have finished my present for her and got it wrapped last night - now she can come). I did however finally get past the "mechanical turtle" on George of the Jungle on the Wii!!!! Got to love progress!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Even if you know it is for the best, rejection still hurts.

The company I interviewed with last week went with another candidate.

Back to the drawing board I guess!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday

Since I seem to have time......

I have not spent a single moment worrying about money or a job!!
There is no way I let my boys play outside in their pajamas yesterday until almost 3 in the afternoon. I also did not bribe them to get dressed with a "peeled" apple!!
I certainly did not hide my McDonald's at the bowling alley because we were told that we couldn't have "outside" food there. I also did not buy a glass of wine because I felt "guilty" about our "outside" food (although my arm was not really that twisted).
I sure there are many more "not me's" from last week, but I am too lazy to think of them!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do you promise?

Being the great mother that I am, I bought the boys a 4 pack of Play-Doh today. My only request....


They promised and I think they may have even tried....

But they just couldn't do it!!!

I sure am glad that they aren't my dentist!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

10 Minutes

That is all it took for Hunter to pull the stuffing out of his new toy!!!

I am going to try to do some power blogging tonight....I have so much to share from activities we have had with the kids. Today we enjoyed a school Thanksgiving lunch with Davis' class.

I had an interview on Tuesday for a job.....I am just keeping my fingers crossed. I am having as much faith as I can muster!!!

Until later....

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Last night Davis fell asleep at my mom's house at about 6:30.....and he slept through the night. He was wide awake at 6am this morning. My kids usually sleep until at least 8.
Holy moly.....never again!!!!
My normally calm, laid back son is completely WIRED.
Matt is feeding off the energy and is just as crazy!!!!
Please send your prayers with me as I am taking him to church in a couple of minutes.
Over 11 hours of sleep is just WAY too much!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am back in the job market again!! On Wednesday I found out that my company is downsizing and I am one of those cut.

I have been busy networking with my recruiters and posting resumes. I absolutely HATE looking for a job and interviewing!!!

I have been given some time to get something, but who knows if it is enough.

If anyone knows someone that needs an experienced, awesome CPA, please let me know!!!

We are doing okay, just a little shocked. Any prayers for a quick and successful job hunt would be appreciated.

I will be back tomorrow with some fun updates about the kids....we have been attending end of season baseball parties and a wonderful veteran's day celebration. I may even have to throw in another video of "Dog"!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Honor Roll

Before Pete and I voted early on Thursday, we attended a very special awards ceremony.
Our Hannah Bear made the HONOR ROLL (all A's) for the first time. She has made the merit list every other quarter (except one) which is A-B's.
Good work....we are so proud of you!! Keep it up!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I guess Grammy was right...

This is what happens when you eat too much Halloween Candy!!!

Is there a doctor in the house?

Halloween 2008

Meet Dr. McYost (Matthew Charles)

And his Patients

Can't you just hear the malpractice lawyers smacking their gums!!!


Yes....I did this to Hunter.....but he only wore it for a picture opportunity!!!


I have always been partial to much that I truly love about them. My dad is still my superhero....God knows I love being married to one!!!

Being a mom to boys is a dream come true for me!! I love that they want to marry me and never leave home!! They are pretty easy to raise....very little drama!!!

I am not the least bit bothered by most of the nasty, gross things boys do on a daily basis....believe me I have heard enough "barking spiders" to last a lifetime.

But there is one thing that drives me crazy.....

Is "aim" really that hard? Do you know that your neck don't need the whole body to turn to every little sound!!! How about trying to write your name in the takes some concentration, but I bet you can do it!!!

All you moms of boys know exactly what I am talking about!!! Thank God for Clorox wipes!!!

While looking for images for this post I came across the below product....I am going to seriously look into it!!! I guess I am not alone!!! What are the chances the boys would actually put the shield up?