Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Motrin Anyone???
Monday, April 27, 2009
Because I need to lighten the mood around here!!!

This is my dad from Christmas 2005. He got a new helmet for his motorcycle. I guess he felt like he needed to try it out.
(I didn't intend any disrespect to Special Education, my dad's name is Elwood and he goes by Ed by many people....and he really WAS quite special this night).
Tomorrow morning Pete goes for an interview with our county's sheriff's department.
I am not sure he has ever been on an interview for a "grown-up" job. I am sure he is nervous.
There is still a hiring freeze, but at least it is a step forward!!!
He also has something else brewing on the job front but I don't want to jinx it.
We have made it through day 4 on our new exercise program.
We are actually walking over 3 miles each day and it feels GREAT!!!!
Hopefully we can figure out how to get day 5 in tomorrow with a very busy day in store for us all.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A day late
The boys rode their bikes....gave us at least 5 heart attacks because they couldn't stay on the right side of the road.
I figure if we can overcome the obstacle of "what to do with the kids" we are really SERIOUS about this!!!
We are off to a double header softball game for Hannah and then we are off to the RACES!!! We haven't been racing in so long and we really miss our racing friends!!!
I guess I better jump in the shower before I have to hear Pete say that I am making everybody late (we all know I would never cause that...on purpose that is).
I hope you all have a great weekend....we are enjoying some beautiful weather here. We even had to turn on the A/C yesterday!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thank Heaven for Little Boys????
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Every Journey Starts with the First Step

Two mornings ago, Pete and I happen to look out the front window and this is what we saw....

Right after I snapped this picture through our dining room window, he took off and landed under my neighbor's porch with his mommy and daddy is hot pursuit!!!!
Oh how I wished I could have caught it on video, but it is something that I will never forget!!
Pete and I have decided to take that leap too and do something for our health.
Today was day one for our new exercise program.
We walked and ran throughout our neighborhood (which is filled with lots of hills) this morning for about 40 minutes. It felt great!!!!
Pete is also addressing his elevated blood pressure, which is a relief for me (and his Mom as well)!! He is monitoring it and has started to take Hawthorne Berries to try to bring it down. The exercise and change in diet should help as well!!
We are taking OUR first step to a healthier life!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Too Close for Comfort
Storm down the street from us!!
We did rush down to the basement for about 15-20 minutes last night....Davis never even woke up!
We are thankful that this storm passed right over us!!
Counting our Blessings today!!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Mad Love
I think he totally rocks!!!
We took him to my friend's new Dog Spa, for a complimentary bath on Thursday.

It is official...Hunter is my favorite (shhhhh...don't tell all those stinky, banned from the bathtub due to shampoo abuse, little human boys of mine!!!!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Not Bubble Bath
Monday, April 13, 2009
A New Day

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Some forward movement
We haven't heard anything on the other county position, they are still in the background check process.
I know this process will be just as slow, but at least we are taking at least a small step forward!!
I am keeping Faith that our better is just around the corner!!!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Hoping for Better
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A surprise compliment
I am my worst critic...I am really never satisfied with how things come out. I know others don't see the flaws, but they stand out like a sore thumb to me.
Tonight I was showing my friend (who brought us dinner...thanks A) some towels that I am embroidering for another friend (Amy...they look good, I think you will be happy). I went to grab the towel I had monogrammed for our bathroom and I heard my husband say...
"She really does nice work doesn't she?"
Thank you Pete....I really needed that simple compliment!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Where does time go???
How can this be? Wasn't it just yesterday that we got the surprise of a lifetime and found out that in less than 5 months we would be having our 3rd child?
The really neat thing that Pete pointed out this morning....
All three of our children were born in the same hospital, by the same doctor and they will all start kindergarten at the same school. Both Hannah and Davis had the same para pro....wonder if Matt will get Mrs. Blake too?
I know it will be 4 months until my BABY walks up those steps of the bus....but I can't help but feel a little sad today. Although it is a first for Matty, it is another last for us.