Hopefully Santa can spare little Autrey again this year....I wonder when he will come and what antics he has up his sleeves this year!!!!
Last weekend I heard this twice on two different movies/shows I was watching.
This brings back some really good memories of college for me. This was a popular lip-syncing song that many of my friends would do. I was never drunk enough to get up on the stage....THANK GOD!!
This video was cute and I just needed something light today!!
Matt has been sick since about 3 this morning, he does seem to be a little better now after some soup, applesauce and a nice long nap. I hope no one else gets it.
I am sure there is more that I am forgetting. I am going to try to update more often because it is therapeutic for me. I am starting to see the light, hopefully it just continues to get brighter.
That is what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks, thanks to the end of our drought here in Georgia.
Our basement flooded....we live up on a hill...go figure. This video was taken from our upstairs above the garage, when we knew that no amount of shoveling was going to keep the water out!!
As soon as the drains caught up, the water left our basement as well!! However, all that "red" you see in the water is Georgia dirt!! The dirt has to be scrubbed off the floors in the basement. We pour disinfecting cleaner and water on the floor, scrub and then suck up in the shop vac.
We spent several days getting everything out that was wet (except for the carpet that does not have padding under it - which we shop vac'd). I have thrown away so much stuff...stuff I didn't need or want. Hannah's baby book was down there on a shelf that was on the floor - luckily I kept it in the box it was given to me in and that kept the important stuff from being ruined.
For my birthday, I got to go to the dump....boy do I know how to have a good time. It was very therapeutic to throw away all that crap!!!! I know Pete enjoyed it!!
Anyone that knows me knows that home organization is not my forte....but now I am going to make it one!! No more cardboard and pictures need to be protected. While I am still out of work, this is a perfect time to get things organized. I am going room by room and am excited when I finish one. I finished my "Christmas" room (where all the Christmas stuff is stored) last night and it feels great - I keep walking in there and smiling!
I am also sewing as I am preparing to join my friend at a craft show in November to sell my embroidered bookmarks and ornaments. My machine is in the basement and I am able to clean while the machine is working.
We registered with FEMA last week and they came out for an inspection on Friday. I wasn't aware that they would need to look in every room of the house (so embarrassed with the mess). We don't know the results of the inspection, but we did receive some money in our bank account yesterday that will definitely help!! The inspector felt our drywall was fine and that we should be able to steam clean the carpets. She said we are doing everything we should be doing, fans and dehumidifier, etc.
Not much going on with my job search. Pete is enjoying his, although I think he is looking for an easier time now that they have finally finished cleaning up after the flood (much of the course was completely under water and the silt is very deep).
The flood was the straw that broke the camel's back for me...I am doing my best to get out of my funk and have Faith that things will change. It has helped immensely that we have a wonderful family that continues to make our rough patch a little smoother.
I guess I need to cut this long entry off now...I am going jean shopping...for Hannah (I know my heart couldn't take jean shopping for me).
Thank you all for your continued prayers!!
I was also reminded that life moves on and that Hunter has filled a huge void since Avery's passing and he certainly keeps us on our toes!!! Below is a picture of him refusing to get off my bed so I could put clean sheets on it. The mattress cover is what is over him....he simply would NOT move!!! He makes me giggle on a daily basis!!
When I think of dogs, I always think of my sister. She is such a huge dog (and Dawg) lover!! While I was searching for the picture of Avery and I, I saw this picture with my sister and Abby and her two daughters. Both Lindsey and Abby are now playing with Avery and I know she misses them both so much!!
Hug your four-legged friend today and remind him/her how much they mean to you!!
Who would have thought that a couple of potatoes and some oil would bring me such accolades!!!
Yesterday afternoon, the boys were driving me crazy while I was on the computer wasting time on Facebook diligently looking for a job. Davis finally asked Matt if he wanted to go jump on the trampoline. I about cheered when they finally headed outside!!
About 10 minutes later, Pete says "Mommy, I think you might want to come out here". I knew it had to be something with the kids.
I look out and see my two boys playing in a mud puddle in the backyard.
This video is taken from inside through the window, so the quality is not the best.
She is in a lot of pain...I feel so bad for her. She has a very busy time in her life coming up, as this is her last year in elementary school. Tomorrow is her luau. She graduates next week and has her "walk of honor" next Friday. She was also asked to play on "all-stars" for softball and I am not sure how this will effect it.
She is planning to pick her cast in a color that will coordinate with her graduation dress...ALL GIRL for sure!!
I have not been updating my blog much lately. To be completely honest, my spirit is a little broken right now. It just seems like every door is being closed without another opening up. I want to be the normal "half-full" kind of person, but it all seems a little empty right now.
Any prayers for my sanity would be greatly appreciated!!
This week is shaping up to be another busy week. The kids have PREP (CCD) tonight for the last time this school year and Hannah is going to bake my Grandma's chocolate chip cookies for her party (which makes me a little teary eyed). Pete is with a friend helping her pick up a dirt bike for her son's birthday tomorrow.
I have an interview with a recruiter tomorrow morning and Hannah and Dave have dentist appointments at 2:30. I agreed to embroider a blanket for a friend tomorrow.
I have an interview with a company on Thursday at 3:00. It was supposed to be tomorrow but it got changed. Hannah will have her last softball practice for the season.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday with have a softball tournament for Hannah.
Last Saturday after Hannah's game, I caught the boys singing one of the chants the girl's softball team sings. It made me happy and I hope you enjoy!
The chant...
My name is Hannah and you know what I got?
What do you got? (by the other team members)
I got a team that's hotter than hot
How Hot is Hot? (by the other team members)
Grand Slams and Homeruns too, Let's see what "so and so's" got.
**I may not have it all right but it is close**
The star players didn't have such a great game. In fact, several had a REALLY bad day!!
At the end of the game (at least at a Home game), the coach hands out the game ball to a player that had a great game.
I guess the coach wasn't pleased with their performance (they lost) and made the decision to not give a game ball.
Hannah wasn't the only player that made some great, unexpected plays. However, these players aren't the "stars".
I guess they don't realize how much a game ball would give hope to some of these new players that they too could be stars as well.
So Hannah....Here's your well deserved GAME BALL from Mommy
(How cool is this picture that I found when I searched for "softball" on the Internet)
This is my dad from Christmas 2005. He got a new helmet for his motorcycle. I guess he felt like he needed to try it out.
(I didn't intend any disrespect to Special Education, my dad's name is Elwood and he goes by Ed by many people....and he really WAS quite special this night).
Tomorrow morning Pete goes for an interview with our county's sheriff's department.
I am not sure he has ever been on an interview for a "grown-up" job. I am sure he is nervous.
There is still a hiring freeze, but at least it is a step forward!!!
He also has something else brewing on the job front but I don't want to jinx it.
We have made it through day 4 on our new exercise program.
We are actually walking over 3 miles each day and it feels GREAT!!!!
Hopefully we can figure out how to get day 5 in tomorrow with a very busy day in store for us all.
Right after I snapped this picture through our dining room window, he took off and landed under my neighbor's porch with his mommy and daddy is hot pursuit!!!!
Oh how I wished I could have caught it on video, but it is something that I will never forget!!
Pete and I have decided to take that leap too and do something for our health.
Today was day one for our new exercise program.
We walked and ran throughout our neighborhood (which is filled with lots of hills) this morning for about 40 minutes. It felt great!!!!
Pete is also addressing his elevated blood pressure, which is a relief for me (and his Mom as well)!! He is monitoring it and has started to take Hawthorne Berries to try to bring it down. The exercise and change in diet should help as well!!
We are taking OUR first step to a healthier life!!
It is official...Hunter is my favorite (shhhhh...don't tell all those stinky, banned from the bathtub due to shampoo abuse, little human boys of mine!!!!)
I remember when a rainy Saturday meant an all day Lifetime Movie Marathon. No such luck when you have kids in the house!! I am getting a few movies in today, but it is in between telling the boys to calm down...quit running....leave the dog alone...no more cereal...and so on!!
Now we are off to eat some Chili at Pete's dad's house.
I think the rain is supposed to stop by tomorrow....whew!!!!