Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Super Glued
Monday, December 29, 2008
Bright Spot in My Day
Sometimes Reality Sucks
Saturday, December 27, 2008
As for the truck.....we are hopeful that it is something we can get fixed without too much dinero. Our friend, Alan, is going to come over tomorrow to take a look (he was a mechanic before becoming a cop) and he will also help Pete get it over to my dad's house for him to take a look (thank you Woody for letting us borrow the trailer). We are grateful to have people in our lives that are willing to help us out!! We are also grateful for credit.....we didn't win the lottery last night!!!
On Monday I will be heading to the unemployment office to start the process to at least have some money coming in (I tried to go on Friday and they were closed on Thursday and Friday for Christmas and Washington's least that is what the sign said).
We are hoping to hear on Pete's job soon. We were told it is a 4-5 week process. All this "togetherness" is a bit taxing on us all!!
Tomorrow I am going to take the Christmas stuff done (except the tree which I will leave until the Epiphany). Pete will be working on the truck and then will be going to help Alan with some painting (Pete loves to paint...Alan hates it). The washer and dryer will be delivered on Monday...yeah we can do some laundry. I am sure the joy will fade quickly!!
The challenge this week will keeping the kids entertained as they will still be out of school. Maybe I will come up with some crafts!!
I am sort of done with 2008....I sure hope 2009 brings some better days!
Friday, December 26, 2008
These are the things we have had to spend unexpected money on in the last week:
- New refrigerator (freezer stopped working)
- New washer and dryer (washer went out on Tuesday and I had to take all of our laundry to the laundromat)
Tonight when we went to go buy a new washer and dryer in the truck (so we could save the delivery charge) something went terribly wrong....there is water mixed with oil (never a good thing). The engine is only 3 years old as we had to replace it when the head gasket broke. It had a 3 year warranty that ended on the 23rd of December!!! Maybe we won't need a new engine, but seriously do we need all this hassle?
We did buy a lottery ticket least there is a little bit of HOPE!!!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
We enjoyed a wonderful evening at my parent's last night where my sister gave me the best gift ever....I got to handle two of Lilah's wardrobe changes!!! Anyone that knows me knows how much I LOVE babies and it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with our newest addition. We had a great time with each other and everyone was VERY pleased with how generous my parents were again this year!!!
This morning started a little early for my taste (we told the kids they couldn't come downstairs until after 7).....7:02 they were in our room telling us it was after 7! Santa managed to put the squeeze to the wallet and delivered some wonderful presents to everyone!!!
Christmas dinner was at our house this year with Pete's mom and step-dad (here from Florida), Pete's dad, and my parents sharing in a casual dinner. We enjoyed playing "Oh Hell" and a game that I am sure I will catch "hell" for in the days (and years) to come called "Swap" (Not sure I have seen Pete laugh that hard in years....and that was during the instructions).
Tomorrow will bring a visit to the unemployment office and possibly a shopping trip for a new washer (ours went out on Tuesday - it is only 17 years old!!!).
I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!! Please take the time to remember the good in your lives!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Painting Casualty
Oh to be 4!!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Letter 2008
This year I have decided to post our annual Christmas letter on the blog instead of printing it out and mailing it with the cards. I can then save some trees and shamelessly plug our blog!!
Here is a slide show of our year...I hope you enjoy!!!
Pete and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary in June and we also went to my 20 year class we are old!! Pete also turned the big 4-0 this year....Old Man!
Pete stayed home again this year with the kids, but has grown a bit bored since all kids are in school this year. He has decided to head back to the "office" and has started a job search. He is trying to get on with the Sheriff's department and has passed the written and physical testing and is now in the background check process (one that we are told will take 4-5 weeks). He shouldn't have any problem with that and then he will start the interviewing process. I think this is a perfect match for Pete and it will be a great "career" for him. Any prayers will be greatly appreciated.
This has been a year of ups and downs for me (what's new?). I think it is easier to start with the down.....unfortunately I am a victim of the current recession and I lost my job as an asset manager on November 5th. I did get a severance, which I am grateful for, but will be on unemployment starting January 1st. Hopefully the market will improve after the start of the year!! Anyone need a very talented CPA?
The good news this year is that I received a "cancer-FREE" scan in July!!! My thyroid is still missing (confirmed by an ultrasound - the medical world at its finest). I feel awesome and am grateful for my B-12 shots that I learned to give myself this year!!
Hannah is growing up way too fast. She turned 11 in July and she acts like she is already a teenager!! She made it to the 6th grade (which is still elementary in our county) and is doing really well. She is in the chorus and is the "birthday announcer" on the school's news team. She made the honor roll for the first grading period and is also a member of the Beta Club. Outside of school she is doing gymnastics. In June, she had her recital for Hip Hop....she did a great job!! June also marked a new beginning for our girl....she is now a brace-face!! she has handled it so well! Hannah is such a great big sister and is really a pleasure to be around....most of the time!!
Davis graduated from Kindergarten in June and is a big 1st grader now. He has really loved school and is doing well!! He played baseball this fall and seemed to enjoy it....he was on the young side again!! His big passion (or maybe Daddy's passion) is motocross. He raced in the Moto Madness series (which he made 30 out of 32 races) and took 1st place on his pro senior bike (50cc) and 2nd on his oil inject bike. We have sold the oil inject bike and purchased a 65cc bike that he will hopefully race in about a year (if Mommy has anything to say about it)....he has to shift with this bike, so it is a little harder to ride. Racing starts up again around March...hopefully the job situation allows us to start back then!!! We have made some great friends at the track and it has been a wonderful family event. Davis has continued to be our calm, go-with-the-flow kid.
Matt is 4 and will only wear 4T (he checks everything to make sure it says 4T). He started pre-k this year and has the same teachers that Davis had. He still cries when we leave but I know it is only for a short time. In May, he fell in the trailer and busted his lip and ended up having to have his front two teeth pulled. He looks kind of cute without his teeth, but I will be glad when they finally grow in. Matty played baseball this year for the first time...he loved to bat but wasn't too hip on the field play!! He is also a motocross racer....he raced about 6 races this season on a little PW50. Pete has already moved him up to a bigger bike that he will be racing when the season starts up. Matt is such a character and continues to keep us on our toes. He knows exactly what he wants and won't budge until he gets it!!
We have added a four-legged member to our family this year....Hunter. We adopted a little over a year old German Shepherd mix (or "mix-up" according to Matt) in October. I am totally in love with this dog!!! He is so great and has been a wonderful addition to our family. Pete claims I love him more than anyone else in the family.....not true, but he is a good cuddler and he doesn't pee on the floor!!!! If we could just keep him away from the Webkins and the baseballs he would be perfect!
My extended family grew right before Thanksgiving with the addition of Lilah Anne Seabolt. After 4 grandsons, a granddaughter is quite a treat for my parents!! I just love this baby girl so much and would take her if my sister didn't have such a tight grip on her!!!!
We have done some home improvements this year. In February, we had hardwoods put in our dining room and the rest of the hardwoods sanded and resealed. Next was new carpet in the family room. We are now in the process of stripping the wallpaper in the kitchen and we will be painting over the weekend. Another huge improvement to our house was a new roof...courtesy of a tornado that came through our area in May.
I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas. Although the year hasn't ended exactly like we had hoped, we are grateful for all the wonderful things we have experienced this year and look forward to a new year. Our hope for you is that your 2009 is filled with much love and happiness!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Through the ears of a 4 year old
Today the boys and I went to get Hannah from school (she had chorus) and I put this song on.
About halfway through the second time we listened to it, Matt says "I think I might cry"
"This is a nice song Mom"
I couldn't agree more Matty!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Great Day
The day started with a visit from Santa....the Mountain Park Volunteer Fire Department was nice enough to escort him around to deliver an early present - it is really hard to wait for the big day!!!
We then headed to the bowling alley for the 2008 Moto Madness awards banquet for Davis. Davis earned 1st place in the 50cc ages 4-6 and 2nd place in the oil inject class. His trophies are HUGE and he also got lots of goodies (including a new set of gear - or "outfit" as Mommy would say). We also got to spend some time with our motocross family outside of the track....everyone cleans up pretty well!!!

There was a raffle for a pit bike that was very exciting. They drew 10 numbers and Davis was one of those. Then they put each ticket back in and you were out when they called your number. Davis' number was the 9th number close!!!!
The day was rounded out with Lil' Pop (Pete's dad) agreeing to babysit the kids while Pete and I went to a Christmas party.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hannah's requirements
On the way there, Pete was teasing Davis about getting married (no idea where it started). Hannah stated that she was going to marry the man that "was just right for her...because I don't want to get a divorce".
"And I want to make sure he doesn't have a record!"
In November, she asked if she was going to go to "Juvey" for writing her political view in sidewalk chalk on the street.
I wonder if she is watching too much TV??????
Hopefully her dad will be in the Sheriff's department when she starts dating so he can do a background check on prospective husbands!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lucky Charms

Amen Matty.....but I don't know if your Grammy would agree with all the sugar!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
All Grown Up


Wow - could I get my hair any higher? I can't believe my sister was ever jealous of MY hair!!!
This is my cousin David.....he is so cute!!

Can't believe he is now the father of 3!!! I remember changing his diaper!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Another Step

Pete made it to the next step in becoming a sheriff deputy....he has been invited to do the obstacle course and orientation (which will include a tour of the jail) on Friday.
We have spent the day getting all the documents ready....including an hour at the Social Security office because he can't find his card (he hasn't worked in over 5 years).
I am so excited for him!!! This is a big change for us, but it will be worth it!!!
Any prayers for him on Friday would be greatly appreciated!! He is 40....hope he doesn't pass out!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Baby Steps
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Hula Hoops are not for Matt
Matt loves the hula hoop exercise. He is so funny when he does it. I just don't think Hula Hoops are for boys!!!
Below is a video I took of him...sorry about the lack of light!! Yes, he is wearing his dirt bike pants.
I can't believe we only have one more day with the kids before they go back to school. This week has gone by very quickly. I am hoping for some job action this week!! I surprisingly got 3 calls from recruiters on Monday for jobs they were submitting me for. There is one that REALLY interests me, but who knows if they will choose to interview me. Seriously, who wouldn't love me after they met me?!!
Pete took his test for the Sheriff's department on Tuesday and should find out on Tuesday or Wednesday whether he passed or not. I sure hope he does because I think he is really ready to get back to work!! He has been much more bearable since he took his test!!!
Thanksgiving was wonderful...very low key. Lisa and Jason did make it and brought little Miss Lilah. It is so great to have a baby around. I know Lisa got really tired and sore, but she was a trooper!!! How could we not feel thankful when our family was blessed with a healthy little girl!!!
No shopping for us this weekend. I have been peeling wallpaper and picking out a new paint color for the kitchen. Pete took the boys riding yesterday and Hannah was at my brother's. I had a wonderful afternoon to myself. I was able to beat the final level of George of the Jungle and beat Pete's score on the soccer thing and the bubble thing (of course he said he doesn't even like those games...whatever).
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I will let Lilah's parents give you all the details when they can update their blog.
She really is PERFECT and I don't think I could convey my gratitude to God for such a wonderful gift.
Monday, November 24, 2008
To Baby Girl
On the eve of your birth I wanted to let you know how much I love you!!
Some people may wonder why you mean so much to me....I am just your aunt.
I am just so happy for your mom (my sister) and dad....they will be the best parents of a little girl.
Your mom will be the one that will clothe you in the cutest clothes....fix your Barbie's with you. Your Aunt Sally will be the one that will do crafts with you and teach you to sew. I will cuddle with you as much as you let me.
I want to be as good of an aunt as your mommy is to my kids. I can't wait for you to get to spend time with Hannah (she will be 22 when you are 11 - that makes her so excited).
I can't wait to meet you Baby Girl and I can't wait to come up with a nickname.
Until we meet....
Aunt Sally
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Still Missed
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A little more upbeat

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The company I interviewed with last week went with another candidate.
Back to the drawing board I guess!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Not Me Monday
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Do you promise?
I sure am glad that they aren't my dentist!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
10 Minutes

I am going to try to do some power blogging tonight....I have so much to share from activities we have had with the kids. Today we enjoyed a school Thanksgiving lunch with Davis' class.
I had an interview on Tuesday for a job.....I am just keeping my fingers crossed. I am having as much faith as I can muster!!!
Until later....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
I have been busy networking with my recruiters and posting resumes. I absolutely HATE looking for a job and interviewing!!!
I have been given some time to get something, but who knows if it is enough.
If anyone knows someone that needs an experienced, awesome CPA, please let me know!!!
We are doing okay, just a little shocked. Any prayers for a quick and successful job hunt would be appreciated.
I will be back tomorrow with some fun updates about the kids....we have been attending end of season baseball parties and a wonderful veteran's day celebration. I may even have to throw in another video of "Dog"!!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Honor Roll
Monday, November 3, 2008
Is there a doctor in the house?

But there is one thing that drives me crazy.....

Is "aim" really that hard? Do you know that your neck don't need the whole body to turn to every little sound!!! How about trying to write your name in the takes some concentration, but I bet you can do it!!!
All you moms of boys know exactly what I am talking about!!! Thank God for Clorox wipes!!!
While looking for images for this post I came across the below product....I am going to seriously look into it!!! I guess I am not alone!!! What are the chances the boys would actually put the shield up?

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Heavy but not Fat
On the way home, I had a very interesting conversation with Hannah and Davis. We got to talking about the importance of not making fun of people because it can really hurt them and they may have troubles forever because of it. We were specifically discussing weight and how people know if they are heavy or skinny. I said " I know I am heavy, but the only person that can change that is me and it would be very hurtful if someone teased me about it".
Davis said "You are heavy but not fat....lots of moms have way bigger butts than you".
Always looking on the bright side Little sure made this Momma's day much better!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
There was a great deal of time spent this weekend trying to change out some bearings in the swing arm axle on Davis' dirt bike (no - I don't really know what I am talking about, but it sounds like I do huh?). The bolt had to be cut just to remove it from the bike, then the "sleeve" was damaged and had to be replaced. Pete and his BFF worked for several hours on Friday to try to get the bearings out without any success. After Matt's game on Saturday, we took the sleeve to the KTM shop for them to get the bearings out. It took them over an hour. I took Davis to his baseball game so Pete could get the bike put back together. This all worked out well because I was concerned about leaving Hunter home that long by himself (it also saved me money because I didn't have to keep shelling out $ for the concession stand for Hannah)!!!
We went to the races Saturday night and had a good time. Matt rode like a madman and got 1st place in the little PW class (ok - he was the only rider but he was flying). Davis.....not so great. He just wasn't on his game. I know Pete was frustrated because he had spent so much time on the bike and Davis was somewhat distracted (maybe it was the knowledge of the new 65cc Pete bought him on Friday that had his mind elsewhere). We have only 1 race left in this season, and it is a close race with his friend Hunter for 1st place in the oil inject. Davis should win 1st on his bigger bike as long as he makes it out to the race!!
Tonight I am going to be a "prayer listener" at the church during Hannah and Dave's CCD time track. Each grade level is focused on a particular Catholic prayer that if they are able to say the prayer for the prayer listener they will get a certificate. Thankfully we will have a copy of the prayers!!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
48 Hours
He has been with us for almost 48 hours and has been such a great dog. I bet he is exhausted, he moves every time anyone in the house moves!!!
He is potty trained....doesn't beg for food....allows anyone to take his toy.....doesn't dart out the door when left open...and hardly barks.
Nothing seems to unnerve him....he even sat in the garage with Pete yesterday as he pounded on an axle on the dirtbike without even a flinch.
Tomorrow will be the first time he is at home for some time while we are at baseball and racing. We have only 2 races left in the playoff season for racing. Davis is head to head with his friend and we are really hoping he can do well this weekend.
I will post more pictures of our big guy soon. I wish I had the camera with me this morning when I let Hunter come with me to take Matt to school. He was a little confused with the windshield wipers and kept trying to "catch" it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
He is a 1 year old German Shepherd mix that we adopted tonight from a rescue group. He is the sweetest thing and we are so happy to have him. He is very calm, enjoys playing with balls (Pete has had to hide the baseballs) and he has hardly made a sound.
Welcome to your forever home Hunter...we look forward to many years of love and happiness together!!
It was very windy.
Davis asked "how can the trees move like that?"
I said the wind was blowing them.
He said "I think the trees think the wind sounds like music so they are dancing."
Well said my man!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
11 years ago today I had my second surgery ever (the 1st being 12 weeks prior for the birth of Hannah via c-section) for a detached retina.
I had gone to the eye doctor on Monday the 13th after a terrible weekend in which my boss (and friend) had delivered her stillborn daughter and I wasn't getting much work done and I thought my vision had changed due to pregnancy. I had discovered over the weekend that I had a blind spot in my left eye (I could only explain that it was like someone had their finger in the corner of my eye).
As I was being assessed by the nurse, I asked what the possible causes of this could be. She said it could be anything from a hernia to a detached retina.
After a long wait (there had been another emergency in the office), the doctor took a look in my eye and turned to his nurse and said "Get Dr. Frank on the phone now". I asked if it was bad....he said "it can be, you will have surgery either tonight or in the morning".
What?? Holy Cow, what do I do now? Pete was working an hour away and I needed to pick up Hannah from the sitter. I called my mom (in the lobby no less) and asked if she could pick Hannah up because I needed to have surgery possibly tonight. She asked if I could drive and I said yes. She told me to wait there, she would make some calls and come pick me up. My brother went to pick up Hannah and my parents came to get me.
When we got down to Piedmont, the office was already closed but there was a sign on the door frame that said "Mrs. Yost, follow the hallway to the end for Dr. Frank". I was so scared!!!!
The Doctor determined that the tear had already progressed far enough that we could do surgery in the morning versus having the "B" team that night (his words not mine).
I went to my mom's house after and I remember making the hardest call in my life....I called Michelle and cried over the loss of her precious daughter. I had to tell her that I would be at the service in spirit only since I was having surgery the next day.
My surgery was in the afternoon if I remember correctly. I was blindfolded after the surgery (which I was told about) and had to lay flat on my right side.
My memories from that first 24 hours:
- Asking what time it was to anybody that came in the room.
- Lisa putting flowers in my face for me to "smell".
- Lisa checking to see if I had pants on under the sheet.
- Getting a shot in the butt after complaining of a headache.
- Getting scolded by the nurses because I had my head up so Pete could tell me how to get to the bathroom (how many steps and what furniture was there)
- Anxiously awaiting the 6am doctor visit so I could get a peephole eye patch.
- Being embarrassed to have to leave the hospital with the left eye patched, right eye with a peephole patch with my glasses over it because I can't see without them.
My detached retina was caused from a tear in my retina due to be near-sighted. The doctor fixed the tear with a laser, attached a silicone buckle around my eye (I always say I have silicone in the wrong place) and then an air bubble is inserted in the eye. The buckle and bubble work together to push the retina together so it will reattach on its own.
I had to be on my left side for 20 out of 24 hours a day for the 1st week (that includes eating, showering, etc.). I am so lucky to have such a great family that kicked in and helped us....Hannah was only 12 weeks old.
I worried that I would not see my daughter get married or be able to work (I am an accountant and I don't think the market is good for a blind accountant)....I know these were crazy thoughts, after all we have TWO eyes.
I am happy to report that I still have silicone in the wrong place, but my vision in the left eye is fully correctable with contacts/glasses. I did what I was supposed to do for my healing (my dad had threatened to kick my ass if I didn't), I was able to make my daughter's 1st Halloween costume, and I am more grateful today for what I can see!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting close
I am so hoping it all works out.....I just love this little guy.
Wednesday is the day we will know for sure!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pete did not "fall" into a mud puddle....he "stepped" in the mud puddle and the mud "splashed" up on his leg (all the way to his knee).
He leaves the falling to me!!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I need my Mommy
I know I am big now....I got on a plane this morning all by "me-self".
I rented a car like a big girl, drove my boss to our meeting and then drove 3 hours to West Palm all by "me-self".
But for the life of me....I cannot iron!!!! Not only do I suck at it....I HATE IT!!! I think I hate it more than doing the dishes!!!
I think I need you here Mom!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Reunion Update

We made it to our reunion last weekend and we both agreed that we would have rather been at the race track (we made lots of phone calls though). We did look pretty good though :)!!! We did enjoy seeing Jeff and his wife and Richard.....we really do need to do a better job of keeping in touch!!!
My dear, sweet husband's comment when told that I fell...
"You know how golfer's have a handicap? Well, there is mine!!"
Karma is a bitch my friend....Pete fell in a mud puddle later in the evening!!!
Hannah and I met a little guy yesterday by the name of "Hunter"....he seems "pawfect" for our family and Daddy didn't say "No". I sure am hoping things work out.....
Life Goes On
Yesterday I decided to quit.....(not my paying job worries)....on taking Matt to school in the mornings. He is just so finicky and I just can't handle the crying. Pete took him this morning since I officially turned in my resignation yesterday effective immediately. I haven't burn the bridge or anything....I just need some space!!!
Hopefully the gas situation will be getting better soon.....I have done my best to conserve as much as I could!!! I am under a quarter of a tank right now, but it seems like the lines have improved a lot since yesterday!!
We did get some exciting news on Hannah...she has been invited to join the Beta Club. She has done such a great job this year in getting involved...she is in Chorus and on the News Team. Pete and I were never very involved in school, so it is great to see her doing her own thing and getting involved!!
We also received some random news today on Matt....he failed his eye test at school. WTH? We just had them checked at the end of July. Hopefully he was just confused on the test and didn't know what the "answer" was but not because he can't SEE it!!! Awesome - 4 years old, no front teeth, shaved head (maybe Pete will let it actually grow some) and glasses!!!!
I will be traveling for work next week down to Orlando and down the coast to Miami. I think it will be good to get away for a couple of days!! I will be staying in West Palm and I may just have to sit by the ocean and remember how truly blessed I am. I am pretty sure that visiting 4 nursing homes will surely help me feel blessed!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Once I got to work I did a quick check on Melody Sherman who was Davis' baseball coach's wife from a couple years ago. I was so sad to learn that this wonderful mom had won her battle with cervical cancer yesterday. Her funeral was this morning and close to work. I was able to go for at least some of it....I got to hug Danny and watch her 18 year old daughter give her eulogy with the poise of a grown woman.
Melody leaves behind 3 children....Megan, Sophie and Drew...and a husband that adores her. Melody has an identical twin sister and as Megan put it "she will get to see what her mom would have looked like when she was 80".
Melody left a mark on this world and I know she will do whatever is necessary to make sure her family is okay without her here.
She told me in May that she would go out fighting....and she did!!!
Fly High Melody.....Job well done!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A little nervous.
I know that I have a great life and have accomplished what I have wanted to married to my soul mate, have 3 children, earned my CPA, and survived cancer (I didn't really "want" that one).
My mind goes back to what I was like in high school.....mostly shy (everyone can stop laughing because it is true) and with big hair. I graduated with honors and there were few in the school that knew that until I received my gold tassel and rope at the practice. I just didn't want people to know.
I am not one that have lots of friends.....usually just a couple really good friends (I married my best friend - so I don't need much more than that). I also graduated with a class of over 800 students.....too big to know everybody. I also did not move to Georgia until my 10th grade year - so no friends from middle school.
I have connected with one of my good friends a couple years ago through and my other good friend passed away over 10 years ago. There isn't anyone that I am just dying to see, but hopefully I will remember more people once we get there.
I am hoping to just be my normal self - not someone I am not!! Hopefully I will leave excited to have been reacquainted with some classmates and to meet new ones.
And for $85 per person, I better leave FULL!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
What a quarter buys you.
Kids that wake up without problems (Matt did not earn his quarter today)
The dishwasher unloaded
The dishes done by someone other than me or Pete (who am I kidding - I don't do dishes)
Getting to sit on the couch playing George of the Jungle while Hannah brings the boys in.
Clean Rooms
Kids that go to bed when asked
The ability to take a quarter away for NOT doing what we say - although this would be easier if Pete didn't glue the lids to the jars.
**I am so glad I have kids that take after their dad....they will do just about anything for money**
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh that's is my birthday!!
Anyone that knows me knows I have been reminding people about my birthday the day September started!!!
We all have only one day that is ours alone and I say take full advantage!!!
I am grateful for another year to spend with my family and to enjoy what this world has to offer!!
I took a vacation day today - I got to sleep until after 9, didn't have to take anyone to the bus or school, and I plan on completely enjoying myself today!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
"Not Me!" Monday
- I did not promise my kids gum if they allowed me to go to the store by myself and then "forget" to actually buy the gum - that would be mean.
- I did not secretly pray that my son won his oil inject class no matter what it took - it is really all about "doing your best"...right?
- I did not justify not taking Matt to church school because we were on fall break and "if" we had gone out of town we would have missed it anyway.
- I did not tell my son that Daddy was helping me with my stomachache while behind closed doors.
- There is no way we called someone a crazy loon or wish harmful things to them - really that would be completely wrong.
- It certainly wasn't me that sat around all day yesterday and pretty much did nothing because I "deserved" it.
Ahhhhhh....I feel so much better now.
A reason to clean

Sunday, September 21, 2008
A place to belong

With "our people"...
The best part of our "place" is that it is all about family.....we don't have to get a babysitter or worry that our kids will be a bother to anyone. We all just take care of each other - whether it is a chain that needs fixed, a bike that needs started, a picture that needs taken, a hot dog is needed for a "starving" kid, spiced rum needs to be shared, or a child's dinner needs to be spoiled by too much candy (I really am sorry Joey) - someone just takes care of it.
It is amazing what can happen in a year!!