
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another long day in store for me???

Yesterday seemed to go on FOREVER!!!

The day started with the news that my neighbor's parents died in a car accident over the weekend (they were around 80). Then we had an orthodontic appointment for Hannah...Pete wasn't feeling well so I took her. Everything went well, except the doctor really wants us to get 3 teeth pulled...we don't have jobs or insurance so it will need to wait. It only means a delay, not a big deal, but it bothers me.

When I got home from taking Hannah back to school and getting groceries, Pete said he wanted to go to the doctor because his throat was killing him. We went to the Minute Clinic at CVS and after an agonizing ordeal to get a culture (because Pete couldn't seem to keep his tongue down) he has strep. Thanks to Publix, we got our free antibiotics and he should feel better soon.

Hannah gets off the bus in tears...her throat and head were really hurting. I called our pediatrician and begged for antibiotics without us having to bring her in. Fortunately he called it in to another trip to the store. She is home today and hopefully will be feeling better soon!!

I checked our messages once we got home and we had received two calls from the school nurse, for Davis. His stomach was hurting because "he ate lunch too fast" and then the nurse said that the rash he has under his nose is probably an infection. He has been picking it and so it looks so bad. I put peroxide on it and then coated it with antibiotic cream. I sent the cream with him to school....hopefully that will clear it up without a visit to the doctor.

After I got everyone settled, I headed to the church for a wake for a wonderful man, Ed Oudt, who passed away suddenly on Friday. He was 73 and it came as quite a shock. As I sat there last night, I couldn't help but think that I don't want to be in the Oudt's shoes anytime soon. I am not ready to say goodbye to either of my parents. My hearts go out to Trudy (his wife) and his "children".

I took Dave to the bus this morning and he was in a great mood. He asked me to come to lunch with him and I said if he didn't go to the nurse today that I would go tomorrow. At 7:15, phone is the school. Davis is in the office and his stomach is really hurting and is crying. I tell him that he needs to relax and breathe. He said he missed me and that is why his stomach hurts. I didn't know what to I told him I would go to lunch today if he would try to go to class. Yum...I am eating school lunch (can you hear the sarcasm?)!!! I think I need to have a conversation with his teacher to figure out what we can do about his stomach.

I guess I need to get a move on....I am supposed to be job hunting and I am hoping for a shower today!!

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